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JK2- Vše o všem

Zakladatel: Oscarius

Drby, klepy, názory na všechno okolo JK2... A vlastne cokoli vas napadne :)

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08.12.2005 14:36
oWned :P
I hate the way that even though you know you're wrong, you say you're right. I hate the books you read and all your friends, yer music's shite, it keeps me up all night up all night.
08.12.2005 14:35

Naposledy upraveno: 08.12.2005 14:36, ~stx#.

I hate the way that even though you know you're wrong, you say you're right. I hate the books you read and all your friends, yer music's shite, it keeps me up all night up all night.
08.12.2005 14:02
njn tak to nevim no.. :-)
08.12.2005 12:43
08.12.2005 12:42
To je vul.
08.12.2005 10:40
Tak nam to rekni ne? protoze alt+94 nejde :p

Naposledy upraveno: 08.12.2005 10:41, Jack

08.12.2005 09:09
protoze se striska pouziva pro barvy :-) nicmene ^^^^ neboli ^_^, akorat musis vedet jak na to

Naposledy upraveno: 08.12.2005 09:09, Belenor

07.12.2005 15:46
lol... tady je to jak u tupcu nekde _
edit.. omfg.. wtf?! proc tady nejde udelat drzky se striskama? >:o

Naposledy upraveno: 07.12.2005 15:47, deXter

06.12.2005 21:51
Celej Belenor..

06.12.2005 17:46
No, já občas získám kulatý číslo a smažu to, aby mě nigdo nepodezíral ze spamování :-).
Welcome to my world of death and pain
06.12.2005 15:26
Amateri :p
05.12.2005 22:10
neni to dohromady :D
You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams.
05.12.2005 22:06
reason laming :oD a mas to..
05.12.2005 22:01
zapomnels na reason :D
You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams.
05.12.2005 21:41
Tak ne...nejakej bug..ze by?
05.12.2005 21:36
I hate the way that even though you know you're wrong, you say you're right. I hate the books you read and all your friends, yer music's shite, it keeps me up all night up all night.
05.12.2005 21:31
SemteX was kickbanned

Naposledy upraveno: 05.12.2005 21:31, Jack

05.12.2005 21:03
Tak jdeme na ban :o). Sakra, skoda ze nemuzu ;-).
05.12.2005 21:01
I hate the way that even though you know you're wrong, you say you're right. I hate the books you read and all your friends, yer music's shite, it keeps me up all night up all night.
05.12.2005 21:00
Nespletl. Pisu do spravneho. V JK2 se muze taky lehce rypat. A nezapomen, ze tahle diskuse je moje :-)
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