No nejen o SW hrách...
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Fox 27.12.2005 10:26 |
no tak sem to sesmolil :D jeste ta znamka a je to OK ... :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:23 |
no prave :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:22 |
tam neni, co by slo zkazit :) |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:20 |
hmm tak ted jdu psat na obalku tvoji adresu...urcite to nejednou poseru :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:20 |
:) |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:19 |
sranda by byla kdybych to vypalil blbe :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:19 |
obalka jest zapecetena... You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:18 |
to vubec... uz jsem to hodnekrat posilal :) |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:14 |
resp dvdcko You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:14 |
a taky mam strach ze to ceska posta nekde znici to cdcko... You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:11 |
vysrat na to... proste to nacpes do velke obalky a hotovka :) |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:11 |
dyt jo :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:10 |
co to je za sracky jaky podaci listek ? ... omg :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:10 |
hej to by se dalo poslat i normalne jako dopis... kdyz to das do te velke obalky :) |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:08 |
no jeste k tomu musis mi podaci listek.. ten se pry da vytisknout ze stranky |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:05 |
add znamka: bydlim ana vesnici a trafika tu jaksi neni nikde pobliz...kdyby byla doma mamka ta urcite bude mit nakou v penezence...ale schranka...ta tady je :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:04 |
ty jo dalsi clovek z JK koho znam a hraje lineage...Kai,Jack,Dexter,Timmy,Tomicolo,LukyLuke,Falcon a ted jeste ty no to je lol :D You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
Fox 27.12.2005 10:03 |
uz palim... You can't predict your future, but you can follow your dreams. |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:02 |
hej to musis zvladnout, pak spolu budem hrat na serveru :D budem ve skupince :DD |
 kapo 27.12.2005 10:01 |
se zeptej rodicu... treba vi. znamka se da koupit snad v kazde trafice, ne? :) |
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